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For individual investment account management and for sponsors of retirement plans, advisory fees can be based upon a percentage of the assets under management, a fixed amount, or on an hourly fee basis.  There are no proprietary funds or fund management firms that we are required to include in our portfolios.  This enables us to make impartial and unbiased investment selection decisions that are in our client’s best interest.  Specifics of the services to be provided and our investment management fees are included in an “Investment Management Agreement” we provide to each client.

 For financial planning, we charge a planning/consulting fee for the services we provide that is based upon the scope of work to be completed.  Services can be on a one-time or continuous basis for either a fixed amount or on an hourly basis.  Specifics of our fees and the planning work to be provided are included in the “Financial Planning/Consulting Agreement” we provide to each client.  Our work as your Advisor is to create a financial plan and make planning recommendations that are in your best interest and based upon your financial goals, objectives and priorities.